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Breaking Poverty Consciousness with Dorian Light & Lauren Galey 

Experience a full 3 hour session with Energy Intuitive/Healer and Psychic Channel, Dorian Light, who uses the Language of Light and Psychic Energetics to clear old patterns and programs dealing with "Poverty Consciousness" which may be stored in your subconscious and soul's memory bank.  These patterns and programs can be from your current life in the form of belief systems or from past lives as programmed experiences.  Clearing these patterns and programs will help you to create the future of your dreams during this time of the Great Shift. Dorian discusses the clearing and healing elements of Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light.

Dorian conducts a group clearing session centered around “Poverty Consciousness” which clears old subconscious belief systems, thought patterns, ancestral programs and past life oaths, vows and contracts. This will help you to create your future without their sabotaging influences on your life.

Dorian also conducts a “key code” clearing and a Light Code Activation with the Language of Light. "So many have past and current life patterns and programs, belief systems, karmic contracts that can be sabotaging your life," says Dorian, "With your Higher Self's permission, I shift this old energy to remove these negative patterns. It activates key codes embedded within you, and it clears mutations that keep you from moving into the 12 strains of your DNA. I also use Light Language which can clear these mutations and help bring your DNA online, which consequently bring you to your Light Body." This program includes a clearing of all oaths, vows and contracts ever made in past lives or this lifetime based around Poverty Consciousness and the need to struggle for money.

Step into your abundance and your own Self-Mastery with this Psychic Energetics and Language of Light clearing with Energy Intuitive/Healer and Psychic Channel, Dorian Light. 

    DOWNLOAD NOW for just $42.95

Full 3-Hour Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light Healing Retreat on "Breaking Poverty Consciousness" for just $42.95
Listen to the preview below!
Meditation to Heal the Wounded Inner Child.

The Inner Child
Audio CD or MP3 Download

High Quality Original Soundtrack!

The Wound Inner Child sound track is a powerful meditation and tool to help heal the inner child within you. Everyone has an inner child and many times this child has been wounded by unmet childhood needs, childhood experiences, programmed belief systems from others, misconceptions about their inner and outer world and traumatic experiences or abuse. These mental, physical and emotional experiences can lead to what I call “The Wounded Inner Child” syndrome. This is where the child is still seeking to have its needs met and is operating from the space of being wounded. These programs of the “Wounded Child” run deep within the subconscious mind where all experiences and memories are stored. The wounds, distorted belief systems and misconceptions of the child always control the beliefs, actions, and reactions of “You” the adult. These sabotaging programs are always stronger than your conscious thoughts and beliefs thus the “Wounded Inner Child” rules the adult. This may be why you continue to repeat the same patterns of behavior, choose the same actions and reactions and attract certain experiences into your world. Heal the “Wounded Inner Child” and you heal the adult. Join me as we take a journey to the Healing Spa in the Damatae Crystal Pyramid of the Sun where you can heal your child's past thereby allowing you, the adult, to create your future.Step into the Realm of Infinite Possibilities for your Life and create the future of your dreams.

MP3 Download Instructions 

You will be taken to the PayPal shopping cart where you may purchase as many CD's as you would like. Currently, the shipping is only charging for a singe CD.  If you want to purchase more than one CD, I will send you a small invoice just for the addition shipping cost that I have to pay. We're working on getting the new shopping cart set to correct this inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding. 


On your PayPal Confirmation Page
that will immediately follow your payment, click on:
This is Dorian's Company and that link will take you directly
to the DOWNLOAD PAGE. Then just follow the
directions for your download!



60 Minute Wounded Inner Child
Audio Soundtrack

CD Version

High Quality CD in Case

Original Soundtrack...

Suggest retail price: $39.95


CD Version Not Available

MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file



Suggest retail price: $34.95

Original Soundtrack...


D   A   M   A   T   A   E
Crystal Pyramid of the Sun
   Audio CD or Immediate MP3 Download!

 The amazing story of the Crystal Pyramid guided by the spoken Language of Light
interludes and set to new music by Life in Balance .

DAMATAE is a guided meditation that takes you into the Crystal Pyramid of the Sun where all things are possible.   The Crystal Pyramid is a real multi-dimensional pyramid that lies in the Meadow of Life.   In the Crystal Pyramid you will clear and heal old sabotaging patterns from ions of incarnations; bask in the rejuvenating and regenerating Liquid Light of the Creator’s Life Force Energy; and receive a profoundly transformative Language of Light sound frequency activation.  This powerful meditation can help you shift, change, and heal all areas and aspects of your life!  

The soothing and transformational music of Life in Balance (Steve & Amy Sciulli) can be found at their
Life In Balance website.  

High Quality Original Soundtrack!

MP3 Download Instructions 


On your PayPal Confirmation Page
that will immediately follow your payment, click on:
This is Dorian's Company and that link will take you directly
to the DOWNLOAD PAGE. Then just follow the
directions for your download!

Buying Multiple CD's?

You will be taken to the PayPal shopping cart where you may purchase as many CD's as you would like. Currently, the shipping is only charging for a singe CD.  If you want to purchase more than one CD, I will send you a small invoice just for the addition shipping cost that I have to pay. We're working on getting the new shopping cart set to correct this inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding. 

"Crystal Pyramic of the Sun"


CD Version

High Quality CD in Case

Original Soundtrack...

Suggest retail price: $39.95


MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file




Suggest retail price: $34.95

Original Soundtrack...

Sound of Light

The Spoken Language of Light to Music by Life in Balance​

Audio CD or MP3 Download

The “Sound of Light” soundtrack is infused with the powerful sound frequencies of the Language of Light. communicating directly with your soul and the attuning vibrations of quartz crystal bowls and multi-dimensional patterns of transformational music by 'Life in Balance'. This composition of high frequency sound vibration creates a language of divine form in motion that can truly take you to another level of consciousness, clear unwanted energetic patterns and heal all levels of your life. Infinite universal knowledge, wisdom and life-changing powers are stored deep within its messages. Meditating with this high vibrational composition takes you into a theta state where infinite possibilities for change and transformation can occur.  This is an excellent tool to use in your meditation practice to raise your personal vibration. 

High Quality Original Soundtrack!

Listen to Sample Audio

MP3 Download Instructions 


On your PayPal Confirmation Page
that will immediately follow your payment, click on:
This is Dorian's Company and that link will take you directly
to the DOWNLOAD PAGE. Then just follow the
directions for your download!

Buying Multiple CD's?

You will be taken to the PayPal shopping cart where you may purchase as many CD's as you would like. Currently, the shipping is only charging for a singe CD.  If you want to purchase more than one CD, I will send you a small invoice just for the addition shipping cost that I have to pay. We're working on getting the new shopping cart set to correct this inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding. 



60 Minute Language of Light
Audio Soundtrack

CD Version

High Quality CD in Case

Original Soundtrack...

Suggest retail price: $39.95


MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file



Suggest retail price: $34.95


Original Soundtrack...

Clearing & Balancing Your Energy Fields

This soundtrack is a guided meditation that walks you step-by-step through the process of creating and using energy tools to help you clear and balance your energy field.


Everything and everyone is made up of energy.  Different energy centers within and around your body are influenced by your own thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as those of others.  It is very important, especially during this “Great Shift of the Ages” to have energy tools to use daily to keep your energy field clear and free from negative inside and outside influences.  Using the methods and techniques presented will help you to stay grounded, improve your memory, help you to feel more focused, have more ownership of your space and energy, be less affected by others, and feel happier, more stable, balanced and aligned.


These are techniques and methods that Dorian Light uses in her daily spiritual practices.

Clearing & Balancing Your Energy Field


MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file



When you purchase this Soundtrack, download this cheat sheet to help you maximize the healing value of this amazing tool.


This soundtrack is a guided meditation to take you on a journey of expanding your Inner Light and anchoring more deeply with the “Highest Enlightened Awareness” of your soul.  Practicing this powerful “Inner Light” technique as often as possible will assist you as a
Being of Light to expand your consciousness, awareness and center of your being on command.


It will also help you to expand your Inner Light out into the planet and the Universe to help heal and assist others.


MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file



"Wings of Light" Soundtrack, Last Released!

Just added, Dorian's newest Meditation: the soothing "Wings of Light" is now available! This amazing, Volume 2, of her famous original "Sound of Light " (Volume 1) is a long awaited addition to her two other most recent & very powerful soundtracks!. Choose from either the "Body of Light" meditation soundtrack or the powerful "Clearing & Balancing Your Energy Field", complete with the associated downloadable "Cheat Sheet". Best, treat yourself like you deserve and order BOTH!
Surely no better personal gift for your own well being! Enjoy!


This soothing soundtrack lifts you to new heights and puts you on a journey of expanding your Inner Light. It is the second in the Language of Light series, following the origional "Sound of Light soundtrack. An equally powerful and beautiful soundtrack, the words of the Language of Light will continue to help you shift, change and heal your life.


Infinite Universal knowledge, wisdom and life-changing powers are stored deep within its message.


MP3 Download

Quality, 256 mbps file



 If you would like to set up a session, contact me at: 

​© 2017 Dorian | Matrix Energetics, llc  All Rights Reserved |

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