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Psychic Energetics & the Language of Light

 Shift, Change & Heal Your Life 

Psychic Energetics & the Language of Light

Is your "monkey mind" controlling your life?
​Set your life free!

With Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light, I use my psychic abilities and various Light Languages to help you to shift out of "core" issues that have kept you recyling "sabotaging" patterns from all life times.  I use my ability to access the Zero Point Field whereby I can psychically see into the field of your multi-dimensional selves and their various life times. I can go back to the very beginning of where you stepped down into the lower worlds from the higher realms of consciousness to play the game of life.  With this I can see into your subconscious patterns, programs, belief systems, soul memory bank, cellular memory, DNA storage bank and your cosmic consciousness.  With my ability to intuitively see these patterns of information however they turn up, I can then change, dismantle or espunge the patterns in your field helping you to "Step Into Your Power" and your "Freedom". I don't only clear the blocks and patterns but I also help to bring in new patterns of information that will help you to align to the truth of your divinity.  


In a session with me, there will be an open dialogue between us as many times your logical “Monkey Mind” needs to hear the story or circumstances where these patterns were created.  Most often, the mind then accepts the story thereby allowing it to move its resistance to the background and allowing the heart space to come forward.  If you are feeling stuck in your life, there is usually always a source of resistance somewhere with an underlying cause.  Many times we are stuck in the illusion of old patterns and programs that no longer serve us.  By clearing and re-patterning these programs, you may be lead to do something new and different in your life which leads you to the next step of your soul’s journey.



While I work with many modalities and tailor my healing sessions based on the client’s needs, I have found that this combination of modalities that I have coined “Psychic Energetics & The Language of Light” allows for a quicker, broader shift in one’s reality and consciousness.  


Hypnosis is a tool whereby a person is lead by a hypnotist into a trance state of consciousness to access old programming, memories of events or traumas, belief systems, sabotaging patterns, etc. stored deep within the subconscious mind.  The person is then guided by the hypnotist to access these old programs which often times can bring up buried emotional responses associated with them that a client may be resistant to address.  As a licensed hypnotherapist, I can say that many times people are scared to be hypnotized, therefore, it can take several sessions and can be tedious for the client and therapist.  The amazing beauty of Psychic Energetics is that you, the client, don’t have to be hypnotized.  While I’m in the higher states of consciousness or Zero Point Field, we talk about what you want to address and through my psychic sight, I am able to identify the core of the issue or the energetics that are in place surrounding the issue.  Then through the energy work that I do, I help shift, dissolve or resolve the energetics of the issue.  Often times, the energetics to be resolved is ancient programming not easily accessed through hypnosis because of your current conscious and unconscious belief systems so a resistance is established.


Many have asked me – how is it possible for you to  access someone else’s subconscious issues, memory programs (this life or simultaneous (past) lives), belief systems, etc. and truly make a change?  I can’t answer that with complete knowledge but I can tell you what I believe happens.  I believe we are all energetically one.  We may have individual identities and memories but I believe we are all energetically connected and created by the same Source (whatever name you wish to call it).  Because of our energetic oneness connection, I am able to slip into a state of consciousness where changes can occur.  Because of your agreement, permission and allowing, I can energetically make the changes within your unconscious and subconscious energetic field of programs that no longer serve you in your present life.  Universal law will only allow me to help you make changes in programs that do not serve you.  During the session, any programs or patterns that you currently need to keep in order to learn life lessons or for your soul’s growth and evolution cannot be changed at that time.

The beauty of this modality is that you don’t have to be in therapy for years to make a change in your life because we are working in a state of pure energy (Zero Point Field) to make that change.

If I am directed to use the Language of Light in the session, the sound vibration and frequencies of the Language are capable of penetrating through your energetic field to facilitate a change, shift or healing.  The Language is a universal sound frequency that knows no boundaries as it emanates directly from The Source of All That Is.  Spoken, sung, toned or written, the Language communicates directly to your soul at all levels where you are ready for a shift or healing in your life to occur.

Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light are extremely  powerful life altering tools by themselves but when used together, tremendous shifts, sometimes instantaneous, can occur in all facets and levels of your life.

About the Language of Light

The Language of Light is the pure sound frequency of creation.  Some say that it is the language of the “Angels”, “Star Language”, “Soul Language”, “Speaking in Tongues”, etc.  There are many sound frequencies of the Language of Light but if you could hear it in its purest sense, you would hear pure, crystalline vibrational frequencies of healing unconditional love emanating from the Heart of the Universal (my term for God, Creator, Source, etc.)  Biblical texts say – In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God (the Universe) and through that word all things were created.  I believe this means that the Universe created sound (not spoken words) and that sound vibration created all form in the Universe.  The various tonal frequencies and sound patterns created through the Language of Light is a part of that original sound vibration that created all things.  If these sound patterns created all things, it has the intelligent ablity to affect all things great and small  (including humans) that are in form on every level of their existence.




Many say when I speak, sing or tone the Language that they know what I’m saying in their heart. Of course, you do as it is the sound that you intimately have known since the beginning of your soul’s creation as it has no beginning or end.  Sound is as old as the universe itself and is an intelligent energy source tapped into by many ancient mystics, yogis and sages through deep meditation throughout the ages.  Even though, at times, the Language of LIght may sound like a familiar dialect, the frequencies emited by the Language are not the same crude form of sound created through normal speech.    The Language’s tonal vibration is on a much higher dimensional resonating frequency than a mere human’s voice.  When sung or spoken by a channel, the sound may be that of the channel’s voice but the sound with it’s multi-dimensional resonant patterns has an ability to penetrate your waking consciousness and subconscious brainwaves at it’s higher frequency rate.  I believe that is why the Language of Light can facilitate changes in your unconscious brainwave frequencies that have stored patterns of information and programs within them that may be blocking or sabatoging your life.




​Along with the stored patterns of information in the human 3D subconscious, I also believe that there is a soul programming running it’s loops of patterns and information from all previous lifetimes.  It is the spark of the divine that incarnates over and over into human form to have an experience but also creates karmic loops and patterns that will stay with us until they are either cleared, resolved or the lesson has been learn.  As a licensed hypnotherpist, I see the subconscious mind more in the realm of the 3D physicality as a processor of information and I see the soul as the spark of the divine living within us that knows all things but also has stored incarnated experiences, lessons and programs.  The subconscious mind starts storing patterns of information in utero and after birth runs in theta state throughout our childhood until we are approximately 7.  In that theta state, we start storing everything from this lifetime that will make us “who we are”.  The spark of the soul within us that has incarnated lifetime after lifetime has it’s own programming patterns of information stored in it when it incarnates into this lifetime.  Therefore, in my experience, I believe that as a therapist to facilitate a true shift in someone’s consciousness, I need to work with the patterns of the subconscious mind but also the stored soul programming (i.e., past lives).   Hence – Psychic Energetics (subconscious) and Language of Light (soul programming and subconscious).

See article – KEYCODES & LANGUAGE OF LIGHT for more detailed information on this subject.

The Language of Light is a powerful, living light energetics capable of creating significant changes upon the planet and within humanity. Equally powerful in an individual or group sessions to facilitate profound miracles of change and healing.



A Psychic Energetics session, incorporating the Language of Light
is available via the phone and live, in person. Group workshops, either
in person or as tele-conferencing sessons are also available.

Contact Dorian for availability.

Listen to this 3-1/2 minute snippet
of Dorian's "Sound of Light" CD/Soundtrack

"The Language of Light can facilitate change in you unconscious mind".

"Vibrational sounds
can facilitate change"


Session Summary

These very unique Psychic Energetics sesssions couple with the universal Language of Light to enable a more unique and in-depth session.  Please click on the desired session link below to initiate an email to discover available dates and times available.

Click on the your desired length session above to initiate an email request to discover dates and times available for your session with Dorian.  

PAYPAL Invoice will be emailed to you from Dorian's Company, Matrix Therapeutics, Inc.

ABOUT PRICING: I'm honored that you are considering scheduling a session with me and excited about the opportunity to meet you.  It is truly my pleasure to teach and help you, hopefully way beyond your expectations.  Although I am an accredited and trained professional I choose to keep my prices as resonable as possible.  My existing clients consider me a great value. My sessions are all about helping YOU and giving you a new perspective on your surroundings. I truly look forward to our session together!


With Love and Light, Dorian!

 If you would like to set up a session, contact me at: 

​© 2017 Dorian | Matrix Energetics, llc  All Rights Reserved |

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