Testimonial's about Dorian!
Real Testimonials from Real People about Dorian Light...
If you have experienced a session with Dorian and would like to leave here a testimonial, just drop her an email at Dorian@DorianLight.com
Thanks for your wonderful sessions. The work you do is so important. Thank you for having the courage to follow your soul's purpose. I always feel better after our sessions as you always clear the heavy energy that is weighing me down. I always have tangible, positive results in my life from your sessions. We need more healers like you. Maybe it's time you think about training others to do what you do.
JT, Canada
Dorian is an amazing healer, intuitive, and channel! In my sessions with her, I experienced profound shifts in consciousness as lifetimes of old, stuck patterns and emotions were transformed into light, love and wisdom. She brings a whole array of wonderful modalities to each session, but it is really her own Divine gifts and abilities that set Dorian apart. Her use of Light Language is so powerful, her intuitive abilities are spot-on, and her ability to shift energies is incredible! She is such a powerhouse of miraculous transformation and an incredibly loving Being that radiates Divine Love through her presence. I am so grateful to have experienced her amazing gifts and her presence in my life!! Thank you, Dorian, for changing my life!!
J.H., Minnesota
"When I first made an appointment with Dorian, I wasn’t really sure why I was going to see her. I just knew that I needed to. I now understand that it was my higher self that led me to her. She is a powerful healer, yet humble. Loving and compassionate yet firmly grounded in her truth. Just being in her presence you know that there is something very special about her. Truly, she has been the single most influential person in my life that has helped me to better understand myself, my purpose and the truth about the Creator."
B.G., Florida
"Thank you Dorian! You have helped me like no other could to understand and clear key issues in my life through your psychic gift and the Language of Light. You rock!"
J.K., Canada
"I have been working with Dorian for several years and believe she is one of the most powerful healers on the planet. She has helped me change my sabatoging belief systems, unblock my finances and change my relationships. Her work is truly profound and life changing.
Thank you, Dorian!"
S.D., AZ
"I had heard of the Language of Light but had never experienced it until Dorian visited my town for a seminar. For the 2 1/2 hours that she sang, spoke and channeled the language, I felt like I was in a time warp – floating in unconditional love. The day after the seminar, stagnated and stalled circumstances in my life of 2 years started changing very quickly. I was amazed as it was like someone had pulled a stopper out of a bottle called my life. I am forever grateful to Dorian and the miracle power she brings forth through the languages she speaks."
T.S., MN
"I was battling various illnesses when I started working with Dorian. After my first session I felt energized, balanced and much better which was a miracle for me. However, the true miracle was when I went to the doctor a few days late, to my amazement and the doctor’s surprise, the physical symptoms of my condition were completely gone and are still gone 2 years later. I still can’t explain what happened but it doesn’t really matter. I am well and happy today! Thank you, Dorian, with all of my heart! "
K.L., FL
"Dorian’s cards, Universal Activations with the Language of Light, hold a power that I believe only a beautiful mind can understand. When I met Dorian, we had an instant connection as just her personality alone is so uplifting. When Dorian shared her card deck with me, I felt a unique energy with some of the colors and symbols and knew they were channeled in from a good place. However, my reaction to them was nothing compared to the reaction of my 3 yr. old Autistic son who seemed to understand the meaning of the language. It has simply amazed me! He continues to connect with the colors and words which is truly a breakthrough for him. This card deck has allowed me to connect with the beautiful mind of my special son and I am thankful to you, Dorian, for your beautiful creation."
SR, Orlando.
"I have never met anyone like Dorian! She is an angel on earth..overflowing with love and compassion for her fellow man and all things created by God. My life truly began in 2009 AD… AD being “After Dorian”. She woke me up from my sleep and my life has never been the same. My understanding of who I am, who we all are, and how we are connected to the Creator has enriched my life more than words can describe. Thank you, Earth Angel."
R.D., Ohio
"When I first heard Dorian speak the Language of Light, my mind didn’t understand the language but my soul did and it was rejoicing. They were the most beautiful words and sounds to ever touch my ears. Through the language that she spoke, key issues that were standing like barricades in my life started to crumble and disappear. It was truly amazing to see my life change through those beautiful powerful life altering words that she spoke."
E.B., Hawaii